Friday 1 January 2016

This Blog

This is a simple blog, not a website. I add posts for new topics and update existing posts with new material, with the most recently updated post appearing first in the blog followed by progressively older ones. The first post however is always Fur Route (dated in the future) so there is a constant starting point, and some posts are cross-referenced with links. There is also a date-sequenced list on the right of each page for direct navigation to posts, which I try to give meaningful names.

The blog is evolving by my adding, but not necessarily publishing, posts on topics that seem to consolidate around a theme, and populating these posts over time with photos, memories or links that play strongly, as I come across them. When I think a post is ready to share I publish it - it then becomes the first post readers see after Fur Route. I also may link the post to a name or word  elsewhere. The evolution of material is influenced by whatever I'm reading or spending my time on, including talking to Mom who is my only link with my childhood. Working for the HBCo ensured we had a very transient lifestyle so I never developed lasting links with any of the communities I remember so well. This must be experienced by other "southerners" in those northern communities with their isolated social structures - kids of Signals, RCMP, HBCo, and missionaries during the 1950's - I believe this makes our memories rather unique from a historical perspective. The strong pull to the North and its isolated lifestyle of freedom also impresses my memories and influences the development of this blog.

I've used Google's Blogger service because it's easy to use and free, so far. Eventually I may add labels, pages, more interesting design, etc., but for now am sticking to default templates and layout and this simple (and reliable I hope) use of Blogger. If you want to follow the blog by getting notices on updates I believe you will need to register a Google account, I don't know.

If you have any suggestions, (gentle) criticisms, memories to add, etc. please leave comments.